Sunday, April 21, 2024

"Moments, Milestones, and Memories" SOME REFLECTIONS...

"Moments, Milestones, and Memories" by Lyonpo Thakur S. Powdyel is a poignant journey through the life experiences and reflections of the author. Lyonpo Powdyel, known for his insightful writing and deep understanding of human emotions, crafts a collection that resonates with readers on various levels.

The book is divided into sections, each exploring different facets of life, from love and loss to triumph and tribulation. Lyonpo’s prose is lyrical, evoking powerful imagery and emotions that tug at the heartstrings.

Through his words, readers are transported to moments of joy, sorrow, and everything in between.

One of the most compelling aspects of "Moments, Milestones, and Memories" is Lyonpo’s ability to capture the universal human experience. Regardless of background or circumstance, readers will find themselves nodding in recognition at the shared emotions and struggles depicted in the book.

Moreover, Lyonpo infuses his writing with wisdom and introspection, offering readers not only a glimpse into his own life but also valuable lessons and insights to apply to their own. Whether contemplating the nature of happiness or the importance of resilience, his words carry a profound weight that lingers long after the book is closed. From among the many sections, a reality called miracle remains my favourite.

Overall, "Moments, Milestones, and Memories" is a beautiful ode to life itself. Through its pages, Lyonpo reminds us of the significance of each moment, milestone, and memory, urging readers to cherish the journey and embrace all that it entails. It's a book that speaks to the soul, offering solace, inspiration, and a renewed appreciation for the beauty of being alive.

I couldn’t find other words and expression to describe and review this book but nevertheless I am quoting Lyonpo himself, “Moments, Milestones and Memories is a testament to gratitude, faith and fulfillment. I submit it to you such as it is, such as it might have been, with prayers, forever.”

Kadrinchey la and happy reading everyone!

Thank you Lyonpo for your guidance and wisdom that have shaped me into the amateur writer I am today. (I consider myself an amateur). Your godlike mastery of words has been a beacon of inspiration, illuminating the path for me to follow. I am forever grateful for your mentorship and the invaluable lessons you have imparted to me.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

The soul of modernity in-rhythm to capitalism

Armed with a curious spirit, I set out to delve into the soul of this enchanting destination, ready to embrace the unknown. (Not so unknown though, I underwent my studies here). Every corner revealed a new facet of the city's rich tapestry, from the vibrant marketplaces bursting with colors and aromas to the serene sanctuaries tucked away in quiet courtyards.

Wandering through the bustling streets, I found myself drawn to the rhythm of daily life, where locals and visitors mingled effortlessly, exchanging smiles and stories in a universal language of humanity. In the warmth of a bustling café, I savored the flavors of traditional cuisine, each dish a celebration of culinary heritage passed down through generations.

Venturing into the bustle of the world famous Walking Street, I was greeted by old farangs (Thai for foreigners) holding hands of girls half their age, their verdant beauty a testament to the symbiotic relationship between the farang and their partners.

For in the heart of Bangkok, I found a piece of myself, forever woven into the fabric of its timeless tapestry.  From the jovial papaya salad (Som Tam) to the solemn rituals of foot massage, the good one of course, each ceremony offered a glimpse into the soul of modern lifestyle shaped by the rhythms of capitalism.

In its no so winding streets and the people filled Soi's (Thai for side streets)  I discovered the true meaning of connection – not just to a destination, but to the people who call it home and the stories that bind us all together. Nothing has changed in the familiar streets, smell of the street foods since I last visited 3 years ago. It was more than just a place on a map; it was a living, breathing entity with a story to tell and lessons to impart. 

And so, as I bid farewell I carried with me not only memories of a remarkable journey but also a newfound appreciation for the beauty of modernity and the power of human connection.  For in the heart of Bangkok, I found a piece of myself, forever woven into the fabric of its timeless tapestry. I felt I knew this place.

Khab Koon Khrub (Thank You) Bangkok, until next time! Leaw phob kein mei....(See you soon in Thai)



Saturday, February 10, 2024

The World in 2050: How to Think About the Future…some reflections!


A bold and vital vision of our planet, The World in 2050 is an essential guide for anyone worried about what the future holds. For if we understand how our world is changing, we will be in a better position to secure our future in the decades to come.

Hamish McRae, the author of this book, has built and maintained an estimably high reputation n as an economic and financial commentator over an impressively lengthy period of time. His regular journalism is unfailingly insightful and, therefore, always well worth reading. McRae does, moreover, have past form as a purveyor of longer-term “futurological” thinking insofar as almost thirty years ago he published the ground-breaking “The World in 2020”. This I recall as proving enormously useful in enhancing my thinking about how the global economy and financial system might evolve over the turn of the century and beyond.  Importantly, I feel exactly the same way about McRae’s new magnum opus.

Importantly, this is a book which – like its predecessor – is wholly global in its scope. Far from being focused exclusively upon the outlook for the US or Europe, for instance, it covers each and every region that comprises the jigsaw which collectively comprises the global economy.

McRae’s discussion of these multiple “forces for change” is wide-ranging and fascinating. He then moves on to a wide-ranging deliberation about “how the world will look in 2050”. Throughout, however, he emphasises the critical role of choice. Everything could go well, thereby vindicating faith in sustained human progress. Conversely, much could go wrong, with the world failing to fulfil its potential and dashing the future prospects of so many of the world’s expanding population (the United Nations’ World Population Prospects, which McRae employs, envisages our total population rising from just over 8 billion at present to 10 billion in thirty years’ time). McRae’s concluding chapter – The Big Themes That Will Shape the World Ahead” – focuses constructively upon what might go wrong (ten key issues) and, subsequently, what is likely to go right.

Many of McRae’s conclusions may seem provocative. He is sanguine, for instance, that the US will eventually successfully weather its current political and social discontent. He’s also notably upbeat about the prospects for the UK and Ireland. He’s optimistic that globalisation has yet reached the end of the road, while sceptical that we can avoid another financial crisis (Charles Kindleberger’s “hardy perennial”) and unpersuaded the Euro will survive. Furthermore, he’s strikingly upbeat about the future growth potential of India and Africa.