Friday, October 6, 2023

Chogyam Trungpa Rimpoche's Crazy Wisdom: Some Reflections...

Chögyam Trungpa Rimpoche (1939-1987) was a Tibetan Buddhist meditation master, scholar, and founder of the Shambhala tradition in the West. He was known for his unconventional and provocative teaching style, which included the notion of "crazy wisdom."

"Crazy Wisdom" refers to a teaching approach that challenges conventional wisdom and societal norms. Trungpa believed that enlightenment could not be attained through traditional, predictable, and comfortable means but rather through direct, unfiltered experience and a willingness to step beyond one's comfort zone. He encouraged his students to embrace the full spectrum of human experience, including the messy and chaotic aspects of life.

Trungpa's teachings emphasize the importance of embracing the entirety of our human experience, both the light and the dark, in our journey towards enlightenment. He believes that true wisdom often emerges from the chaos and unpredictability of life, rather than from following a predetermined path. This perspective can be both liberating and unsettling, as it requires us to confront our own limitations and fears.

"Crazy Wisdom" is the idea that we should not shy away from discomfort or the unknown. Trungpa's teachings encourage us to engage with life fully, without clinging to rigid ideologies or seeking refuge in familiar routines. This approach challenges us to step outside our comfort zones, confront our own prejudices, and embrace the world with a sense of wonder and curiosity. It's essential to note that Chögyam Trungpa's teachings are not without controversy.

Lastly, not the least by any means, "Crazy Wisdom" is a thought-provoking concept associated with Chögyam Trungpa that challenges us to re-evaluate our understanding of spirituality and personal growth. The idea of "Crazy Wisdom" continues to inspire individuals to approach life with openness, authenticity, and a willingness to embrace the unconventional aspects of human existence. 

Readers interested in exploring this concept further can delve into Chögyam Trungpa's works and the writings of those who have been influenced by his teachings.


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The Quintessential Samtse

Have you ever felt the irresistible pull of wanderlust, that undeniable urge to explore the uncharted territories? I certainly have, and recently, I had the privilege of setting foot in a place I had never been before – Samtse. Upon the kind invitation of the President of Samtse College, I had the opportunity to visit Samtse. 

Stepping off the car onto unfamiliar soil was an exhilarating moment. The air carried a      different scent, and the sights and sounds were entirely foreign to me. As I navigated my way through the winding roads towards Samtse, a sense of excitement mingled with curiosity and a dash of apprehension. What would this new place have in store for me?

The first few hours in Samtse were a whirlwind of sensory overload. The southern architecture was a fascinating blend of old and new buildings, creating a unique skyline that beckoned me to explore. The not so bustling streets, awash with a kaleidoscope of colors and noises is the usual way greeting northerners like me.

As I entered the college gate, I took a picture and made a story update. This was seen by my childhood friend Selden and my college mate Pem Deki. This was how a dinner with these beautiful ladies ensued.

I have a friend named Purna, now undergoing his Masters studies in Samtse, let me borrow his bran new slippers for four days as I had forgotten to pack mine due to the wanderlust excitement.

My stay in the college took me back to my university after seeing the speck and immaculate Library of Samtse College. How I wished to do some research using the actual crackle of the pages in the library instead of the internet and how I wished to reflect and soul-search in the meditation room.

The laughter with new friends, the unexpected adventures, learning on Aussie[i] cultures– these are the moments that stay etched in my heart. Travel memories have a unique power; they have the ability to transport you back in time and evoke emotions like no other.

Each new place you visit adds a layer to your identity, making you more open-minded, adaptable, and empathetic. This is what I have learned from this trip to Samtse.

Thank you, Dr. Rinchen, Dr. Sonam, Professor Vicky, Sangay, Pema and finally Acho Zangla for being with me in my short but fulfilling tryst with Samtse. 

[i] There were 10 Aussies on student exchange programme